AI for Image Processing Applications on Traffic: Advancements, Challenges, and Opportunities
Co-located with 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2024)
27th October 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Call for Papers

This workshop is designed as a leading forum to explore complex challenges and opportunities in intelligent traffic systems. It covers diverse topics, including safety under adverse weather conditions, advanced scene reconstruction, visual perception for autonomous driving, multimodal sensor fusion, and behavioral analysis of traffic violations. The session aims to bring together pioneers from image processing and artificial intelligence to explore large models within intelligent transportation and autonomous driving systems. This forum encourages rich discussions on AI's role in surveillance and driver assistance, focusing on both large models and green computing strategies. The workshop facilitates dialogue between academics and industry experts to promote new ideas and explore new directions in autonomous driving and traffic management. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Scene Reconstruction and Visual Perception
    Advanced techniques for scene reconstruction and visual perception to improve accuracy in intelligent transportation and autonomous driving systems.
  2. Multimodal Sensor Fusion
    Strategies for integrating data from multimodal sensors to enhance environmental analysis and image quality in traffic systems.
  3. Safety Transportation under Adverse Weather Conditions
    Investigation of technologies that ensure vehicle safety under adverse weather conditions.
  4. AI-Driven Traffic Management Systems
    Use of large models to optimize traffic flow and enhance functionalities in autonomous driving systems.
  5. Sustainable and Lightweight Traffic Technologies
    Development of sustainable traffic systems using green computing and lightweight processing to reduce energy consumption.
  6. Behavioral Analysis for Driving and Traffic Violations
    Analytical technologies for studying driving behaviors and detecting traffic violations.


The proposed workshop will include 2 invited talks and 5 paper presentations. The workshop will be considered for a half-day meeting.

Duration Title
9:00-9:10 Welcome + Opening
9:10-10:30 Session 1: Keynote Talks
10:30-10:45           Short break
10:45-12:00 Session 2: Oral Presentation
12:00-12:45 Session 3: Demo
12:45-12:50 Closing


  • The AI4IPoT will be held together with ICIP 2024.
  • We encourage submissions of up to 6 pages, excluding references and acknowledgments. The submission should be in the ICIP format. Accepted papers will be published in ICIP proceedings. The template can be found via:
  • Papers have to be submitted via:

Accepted paper


Xian Zhong

Wuhan University of Technology
IEEE Member

Wenxin Huang

Hubei University
Associate Professor
IEEE Member

Zheng Wang

Wuhan University
IEEE Senior Member

Yang Ruan

Senior Staff Tech Lead (E7)
Senior Engineering Manager (M2)

Chia-wen Lin

National Tsing Hua University
IEEE Fellow

Alex Chichung Kot

Nanyang Technological University
IEEE Life Fellow

Program Committee